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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-06-03 15:30:04

We've got three new libraries (Format, Multi-array, and Signals) in CVS,
and AFAIK, ready to go.

We're ready to retire the old regression test (regression.cpp) in favor of
the bjam based regression tests.

We've got several new compiler versions (GCC, Intel, Metrowerks,
Microsoft) to test against.

So it seems to me well worth starting to plan for the next Boost release,
even though the last one was just a few weeks ago.

I'm about to leave for ten days of vacation. Should we think about
starting work on a release in two weeks or so, with the actual release date
some weeks after that. The schedule can be fairly relaxed, with plenty of
time to resolve issues.

We've talked about a quarterly release schedule, but it seems to me we have
enough interesting challenges already that we shouldn't wait that long.



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