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From: Christopher Sewell (chrissewell_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-06-03 17:49:09

Thanks a lot for the help with compiling. I can now compile and run the
example from before. I also tried the dijkstra example from (non-visitors version),
and the compiler complained about not finding a match for the graph
constructor. However, the similar dijkstra examples in and in
/boost_1_28_0/libs/graph/examples did work. Similarly, I got an error when
I tried to make a graph using
Graph g(num_vertices, edge_array,
      edge_array + sizeof(edge_array) / sizeof(E));
as suggested at the end of the "Constructing a Graph" section on the quick
tour page.

No need to try to diagnose my problem here since I can just use the working
program as a template for my work and ignore the other one, but I wondered
if you thought the non-working program was out-of-date or if there may still
be something wrong with my setup. Like the compiler, I couldn't find
anything that matched that format in the code.



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