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From: Martin Bosticky (MBosticky_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-06-03 18:58:29

Hello everyone.

I am relatively new to the regex library. I am trying to get all strings
matched a a submatch 1, but where submatch 1 can match more than once
because of *. ie

Simplified version: "(?:\s*(\S+)\s+/)*\s+(\S+)"

The problem is that i can't figure out how to force regex using regex_grep
or what ever to give me each match in each sub-expression that occurs. ie.
"xxx / yyy / zzz" will result in match yyy from sub-expression 1 and match
zzz from sub-expression 2. But what about xxx?

The expression i am using is to read filepaths from a config file:

                    "\\s*(\\S+)[ \t]*$"

and example file content would be:

# Configuration::addtions related to external references
TAGFILES = D:/OPCrew/Src/TagFiles/Dil.tag \
                         D:/OPCrew/Src/TagFiles/RunTests.tag \

what to do? can this be done in one hit? should i take a different approach?

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