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From: Paul Mensonides (pmenso57_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-06-13 18:48:49

> Cool! But does this announcement have any relationship to the post you
> quoted?

Only that it is another use of the 'automatic recursion' technique. Which, in
essence, is just a test to determine if a macro will expand or not.

To explain the documentation (which has nothing to do with me) for
BOOST_PP_REPEAT, it means that you can use the macro BOOST_PP_REPEAT inside
BOOST_PP_REPEAT. I.e. BOOST_PP_REPEAT is only a psuedo-macro that takes no
arguments and expands to the name of a macro that takes 3 arguments--one of the
three available REPEAT's. This means: 1) BOOST_PP_REPEAT can never expand to
itself, 2) the user doesn't have to keep track of the dimension, 3) other macros
that use it automatically adjust as necessary, and 4) useful error messages can
be produced when there are not available dimensions.

The documentation would be clearer, if 'automatic recursion' was a link that
described what it is is.

Paul Mensonides

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