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From: Eric D Crahen (crahen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-06-18 07:38:05

On June 14 2002, Beman Dawes wrote:

> I, for one, don't have a problem with two Boost libraries having
> overlapping functionality, provided they are significantly different,
> and each has applications areas where it would be clearly superior to
> the other.
> But if two libraries differ only in minor ways, it would just be
> divisive to include both in Boost.

I think the design of the two is significantly different in several
ways. ZThreads provides a thread model that includes interruption,
provides a very OO interface. Boost.Threads aims to privide a model that
includes cancelation. and provides more of a template based interface.
Additionally, ZThreads also includes a framework for creating and using
tasks and not just creating and synchronizing threads. Boost.Threads
provides a creative way to work with scoped locks. I think they only
overlap in the most basic ideas (like they both have thread & mutex
classes) but there are some differnces in how the implementations of
those ideas behave and how you interact with them. The differences are
more than this is just another way to represent a mutex or this is another
way to write a thread class.

- Eric

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