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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-06 20:57:09

At 10:50 AM 8/6/2002, Douglas Gregor wrote:

>On Monday 05 August 2002 09:03 pm, Beman Dawes wrote:
>> I wouldn't mind turning it over to someone else to maintain the code
>> run the table generation. They could be the Boost Dependency Wizard:-)
>> Although I'm not sure that is the sort of thing you want to let your
>> know you're involved with.
>This is the type of thing that cron is meant for.

Ha Ha! If life were only that simple!

> Where's the code that generates hdr_depend.html?

You don't want to see it. A Windows .bat script, which identifies the
headers to be scanned explicitly by name, calls another .bat script which
calls a C++ program which outputs a text file. A Python program reads the
text file, and generates the HTML.

It was just hacked together to see if the results were interesting, and was
never meant to be maintained.

With the Filesystem Library, it would be easy to replace the whole pile of
junk with a single C++ program.

But we need to figure out a better way of reporting dependencies too. Look
at any entry in the current table which includes boost/config.hpp, which in
turn expands into eight other headers.


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