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From: Eric Woodruff (Eric.Woodruff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-11 12:02:31


Could it hypothetically be done portably if the end user was separated from
main () by an Application class? The body, or "main", of the application can
be started in a boost::thread.

----- Original Message -----
From: William Kempf
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel
Sent: Sunday, 2002:August:11 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Threads & Exceptions

>From: "Victor A. Wagner, Jr." <vawjr_at_[hidden]>
>At Thursday 2002/08/08 07:49, you wrote:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Victor A. Wagner, Jr." <vawjr_at_[hidden]>
>> > The C++ standard is silent on the topic of thread(s)
>>But not on the behavior of a program that has an exception thrown that
>>propogate out of main().
>I fail to see how an exception which is "started" by thread<whatever> can
>be considered "inside" of main. And if it IS, then clearly I should be
>able to write:
>to process it

Being "started by thread<whatever>" has nothing to do with it.

void my_thread(boost::thread* pthread)
      cout << "main() threw an exception" << endl;
   delete pthread;

int main()
   boost::thread* main = new thread();
   boost::thread thrd(boost::bind(&my_thread, main));
   thread_exit(); // Yes, this is something that needs added to
                  // Boost.Threads, and will be.
   throw "error!";

The above can't be done portably, AFAIK, and is likely to result in
termination instead of the expected passage in join().

Bill Kempf

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