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From: Gennadiy Rozental (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-12 15:24:20

>Maybe we should separate tests to pure regression tests that check the
>existence / correctness of a feature and benchmark-tests that give
>information about the efficiency / speed of some feature. During
>development, you run the regression tests first and only if they pass,
>you may want to run the benchmark tests. The latter would not report
>results as booleans (pass/fail), but it will have timings, object
>counters, size of objects (to see the overhead of a library), etc.

1. I am planning to add test case some basic timing really soon.
2. On some (UNIX) systems test case timeout could be set right now. At some point I will try to tuckle windows timeouts.
3. One could now print object sizes using BTL BOOST_MESSAGE facility. It does not affect pass/fail status - it's just the way to print an info.
4. I am planning to add named test case run soon. This way regression test facility could run only validating test cases/suites.


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