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From: Eric Woodruff (Eric.Woodruff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-12 19:00:03

(My responses are inline)

----- Original Message -----
From: William E. Kempf
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel
Sent: Monday, 2002:August:12 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Attempting resolution of Threads & Exceptions Issue

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Woodruff" <Eric.Woodruff_at_[hidden]>
> Since you now seem willing to allow this non-default option to be made
> available, what kind of interface do you suppose it should have? Should it
> be called asynchronous_call? advanced_thread?

boost::thread. As for the interface, that's still something to work out.

===> Oh, what are some of the questions surrounding the interface?

> In any case, it should just be a wrapper of the existing boost::thread, in
> my opinion, because a non-templated implementation is necessary and
> no reason we can't use the pre-existing thread object. Inheritance from
> boost::thread is probably out of the question because it introduces the
> possiblity that a user might mix threads with non-uniform policies. It is
> also unclear how to handle a pool of threads that may throw exceptions on
> join.

The existing boost::thread is going to undergo several changes in Rev. 2,
some of which pretty much mandate a PIMPL idiom, so making the public
interface a template will be trivial.

===> Glad to hear it! Any hopeful release date for revision 2? Can you
outline some of the proposed changes?

> Is it at all possible to rename the current boost::thread class to
> boost::basic_thread and supplant the template in its place? (Old users of
> thread would have to change it to thread<> or just use basic_thread.) This
> may deprecate the usage of the current boost::thread class because the
> functionality is acheived with thread<>.

basic_thread will be boost::detail::thread_impl and not in the user's public
interface. The switch to a templated thread would, indeed, but a
non-backwards compatible change, unfortunately, and that's one reason I said
the interface was still up to debate.

Bill Kempf
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