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From: Victor A. Wagner, Jr. (vawjr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-13 23:36:39

At Tuesday 2002/08/13 21:06, you wrote:
>Are you saying that all exceptions have to be derived from std::exception?

I haven't seen anyone claim that.

>In my specific case, I'm using omniORB, and I don't think it's exceptions
>are derived from std::exception. With no manor to propagate exceptions
>because the library was biased.
>Exception handling has no direct association with std::exception.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. std::exception clearly has an
association with exception handling (at least in the standard library).

>If it is
>my design perogative to use exceptions in a manor that gives me dynamic
>return types then I may choose to throw an integer or anything else.

integer is a particularly poor choice, IMO ...well maybe double would be
worse :)

Victor A. Wagner Jr.
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The five most dangerous words in the English language:
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