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From: Victor A. Wagner, Jr. (vawjr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-15 04:55:36

I'm still getting errors when I compile regex and TOOLS=vc7
C:\Boost Releases\boost\boost\regex\detail\regex_compile.hpp(425) : error
C2039: 'singleton' : is not a member of 'boost::re_detail::re_repeat'

and I get a lot more in test.

C:\Boost Releases\boost\boost\test\detail\unit_test_config.hpp(34) : error
C2039: 'distance' : is not a member of 'std'

At Wednesday 2002/08/14 14:42, you wrote:
>There was heavy CVS activity all day, so I've updated the Win32 regression
>tests. See diff against last run before adding Boost.Test V2.
>PS: Thread tests didn't have to be manually killed this run.
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Victor A. Wagner Jr.
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