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From: Victor A. Wagner, Jr. (vawjr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-24 10:21:48

At Saturday 2002/08/24 05:58, you wrote:
>From: "Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]>
> >
> > But I'd like to raise the issue with the whole list. Boost is getting
> > bigger. A primary directory, library, namespace, or header, or other
> > important name needs to be more explicit than MPL. Acronyms are obscure
> > and make a library less accessible to new users.
>MPL? Less accessible to new users because of the acronym? ;-)

Yes...if they can't find it, they aren't going to use it.
You don't seriously believe that people searching for something read _all_
the details of everything.

Victor A. Wagner Jr.
PGP RSA fingerprint = 4D20 EBF6 0101 B069 3817 8DBF C846 E47A
PGP D-H fingerprint = 98BC 65E3 1A19 43EC 3908 65B9 F755 E6F4 63BB 9D93
The five most dangerous words in the English language:
               "There oughta be a law"

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