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From: Carlo Wood (carlo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-30 09:47:09

On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 03:54:03PM -0400, Toon Knapen wrote:
> why not
> void demangle(std::string& o, const std::type_info& i)
> to avoid the C-style argument overloading.

Because typeid().name() returns a 'char const*'.
It makes no sense to force people to first copy
that into a string before they can demangle it.

We can always provide a wrapper, given a std::string,
that passes the data to the demangler.

Perhaps the best interface for the most general one
is to make the library accept both, zero terminated
input as well as a given length. Then we can pass
a C style string but also a std::string directly
(without the need for a copy) by passing its length.

I hate copying strings :)

Carlo Wood <carlo_at_[hidden]>

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