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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-10 22:07:14

On Tuesday 10 September 2002 08:55 pm, Eric Woodruff wrote:
> Why is Boost.Function included with boost/function.hpp, even though there
> is a boost/function/ directory, but tuples are boost/tuple/tuple.hpp?

Because consistency is for sissies :)

I think the way Boost.Function does it is more common in Boost (at a glance:
config, format, integer, multi_array, preprocessor, random, regex,
type_traits, and utility all do this). I read it as "boost/xyz.hpp" pulls in
the entire library, whereas "boost/xyz/foo.hpp" and "boost/xyz/bar.hpp" pull
in specific features of the library.


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