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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-17 12:00:37

On Tuesday 17 September 2002 10:52 am, David Abrahams wrote:
> From: "Douglas Gregor" <gregod_at_[hidden]>
> > but apparently that's not the case because the MPL/type
> > traits merge is not something we would do right before a release...
> This is probably my fault. The reasons for this are a little complicated.
[snip good reasons]

I didn't know that Boost.Python v2 was promised for 1.29.0. I wonder if we
should ask library authors to list their proposed changes for a release in a
single place, so that everyone can see progress toward a next release. I
suggest using the top-level boost.htm's "Latest News" section from CVS: when
a library author determines that a certain task should be completed before
the next release, add a news item for it, e.g.,

  * Pending: Function library: remove deprecated function<...> syntax

Once that task has been finished, make it a normal news item:

  * Function library: deprecated function<..> syntax removed

Then our release procedure is something like:
  1) Finalize the 'pending' list for a particular version
  2) Finish all pending tasks and change the entry to a news item
  3) Stabilize/debug
  4) Release

We have #1 in some form now (someone asks "how about a release soon?"), but I
think it would help guide us better if we had a central list of release


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