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From: Glen Knowles (gknowles_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-19 01:00:20

From: Beman Dawes [mailto:bdawes_at_[hidden]]
> A another question is that in effect we are making the current
> directory available by calling absolute() with the right arguments,
> so would it be better (in addition to absolute()) to just go ahead
> and add a current_directory() function? Or a special path
> constructor?
My preferred syntax is, assuming a current directory of "c:\foo":

path("bar").relative_to(current_directory()) -> "c:\foo\bar"
path("\bar").relative_to(current_directory()) -> "c:\bar"

> And finally, how do we specify absolute() so that it still gives
> reasonable behavior on an operating system which has no concept of
> current directory?

Can't it simply return initial_directory() as a fall back? Or am I
missing something?


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