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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-16 13:40:41

At 06:08 PM 10/15/2002, John Harris (TT) wrote:
>It seems that there should be a way to get 64-bit integer support into
>integer_traits.hpp on MSVC. It looks like the only real problem is the
>missing feature of class constants, and the fact that integer_traits is
>using enums (which can't hold const_max and const_min values).
>But if there were specializations on the detail::integer_traits_base for
>64-bit types, the constants could be declared in-class as __int64 but
>defined out-of-class (still in the header), safely. It's not as pretty
>BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT, but wouldn't it work?

Stephen Nutt has been working on related issues. You might want to contact
him and offer to help.


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