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From: Victor A. Wagner, Jr. (vawjr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-23 15:21:55

At Wednesday 2002/10/23 12:52, you wrote:
>I am confused about the scope of a numerical integration library. It seems
>that three things are being mixed up here:
>i) 1D integration of a function with x-points determined by the algorithm
>(e.g. Romberg integration)
>ii) Integration of first order ODEs by some algorithm (e.g. Runge-Kutta)
>iii) Forward Euler integration of an ODE with fixed step witdh delta_x and
>values of the derivative, given by some external function.
>While I agree that both i) and ii) would be interesting libraries, the
>usage case iii) which seems much discussed does not warrant a separate
>library in my opinion.

I don't see much discussion about iii at all, someone keeps telling us
that's what we mean, when in fact _I_, at least, am interested in ii.
I'd additionally amend your ii to be one of a collection of
algorithms (e.g....

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Victor A. Wagner Jr.
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               "There oughta be a law"

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