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From: Virgilio, Vincent (Vincent.Virgilio_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-09 11:15:59

This went faster than I expected, and from a most unexpected source of

I added 'using boost::mpl::_' at file scope just before the below mentioned
template, STT_row_impl; the compile succeeded.

Should this have been necessary?


Vince Virgilio

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Virgilio, Vincent
> Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 10:54 AM
> To: 'boost_at_[hidden]'
> Subject: mpl - fsm generator - compile failure
> Hello,
> Has anybody successfully compiled Aleksey Gurtovoy's state
> machine generator with gcc 3.2 over Boost 1.29 (which
> includes the mpl)?
> My efforts are failing in STT_impl_gen.hpp, line 137. gcc is
> failing on the lambda-like expressions given as template
> parameters, i.e. . . . STT_row_impl<_,_> . . . is a no-go.
> I obtained the generator code via the following message:

I do understand that the generator is not part of the Boost release, so have
low expectations for support. I'll keep at it (though slowly) regardless of
the response.

Thank you, and regards.

Vince Virgilio

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