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From: Kevin Lynch (krlynch_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-13 12:34:52

Iain K.Hanson wrote:
>> We already have a standard
>> >scheme. Why reinvent the wheel? Will we do any better?
>>We might. The POSIX errno scheme doesn't seem all that strong to me.
> Agreed. I've given a fair ammount of though to this over the past year
> ( whilst working on sockets). The conclusion I came to was that I would
> rather have a standard C++ name on what ever platform I work on than
> keep having to look them up on every platform.

I would hope that if the POSIX naming is not used, that at least the
documentation would contain a clear mapping between the POSIX name and
the C++ name.

Kevin Lynch				voice:	(617) 353-6025
Physics Department			Fax: (617) 353-9393
Boston University			office:	 PRB-361
590 Commonwealth Ave.			e-mail:	 krlynch_at_[hidden]
Boston, MA 02215 USA

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