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From: Howard Hinnant (hinnant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-20 16:59:05

On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 04:48 PM, Beman Dawes wrote:

> >If the CodeWarrior C++ lib is linked to as a shared library, locale
> >support is turned off. If the C++ lib is statically linked to, there
> >is 100% standard locale support.
> Howard, these tests are statically linked. The Jamfile specifies
> static linking, and the result directory is runtime-link-static.
> So, unless something has messed up the build process so it doesn't
> really set the right flags, that isn't the answer.

Hmm... I didn't see any 2-phase issues in the error message. Perhaps
_MSL_NO_LOCALE is somehow getting mistakenly turned on. We supply a
prefix header: UseDLLPrefix.h. Including this header turns on
(defines) _MSL_NO_LOCALE. Perhaps that header is getting mistakenly
included? I just double checked the 8.3 <mslconfig> and it is not
defined there (whew! :-) ).

A preprocess of format_test2.cpp would confirm whether or not getloc()
is listed as a member of basic_streambuf. If it is there, something
else is going on, and I'm not sure what yet. If it isn't there, then
somehow _MSL_NO_LOCALE is getting defined.


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