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From: Paul Mensonides (pmenso57_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-30 03:07:19

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Knowles" <gknowles_at_[hidden]>

> From: Alberto Barbati
> > Yet I'm stuck with MSVC anyway, as many other programmers out there,
> > and #pragma once may have a significant effect on compilation time on
> > that compiler.
> You may want to check this hypothesis, in the limited experimentation I
> with MSVC6 there was essentially no difference in compile times, at least
> not with c++ code.
> What would be helpful is changing the rule as Gennaro mentioned to make
> single inclusion per translation unit the default.

Do you mean that the actual headers must be structured in such a way as to
only get included once? In other words, to have a inclusion tree that is
invariant? Or do you mean that the compiler should only process a file one
time by default? The first will end up causing more processing to be done
as more code than necessary gets included, and the second will break the
pp-lib altogether (it relies on multiple inclusion of the same file).

Paul Mensonides

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