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From: Rozental, Gennadiy (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-03 12:58:49

> I've a similiar problem with BOOST_CHECK family, but I think
> the solution
> can be different: provide a means to convert failed test into
> assertion
> failure. This way I can conveniently debug. Currently, I have to
> replace BOOST_CHECK with assert manually, to find where the
> failure happened.
> Gennadiy, what do you think?
> - Volodya

  I do not understand exactly how switching to assert would help you locate
the failure point. If you going to run it under debugger you as well could
just set a break point on failed assertion. If you going to analize the core
using debugger, why not run it under debugger in a first place. If you
expect to get a location from the assert output - it will be not better than
test tools one.


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