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From: Ed Brey (brey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-30 14:47:18

Arkadiy wrote:
> Right now we are using a sorted vector instead of a set, to implement
> our relational tables, because set doesn't allow us to search on a
> prefix of a key. Like if a table is indexed on a, b, c, we are not
> able to use equal_range on a, b with the set.

I was able to successfully use a set for the indices into an in-memory database I wrote for my company a few years back. By providing a custom Compare object, I was able to implement prefix-based seeking using equal_range. I allowed an element to indicate that it is truncated (e.g. contains only a and b, but not c). The Comparison function used the indication when checking whether one element is less than another.

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