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From: Alexander Terekhov (terekhov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-08 10:49:27

David Abrahams wrote:
> > Now the disclaimer. I am not sure to what extent we are even
> > supposed to discuss such legal matters here; the public archives of
> > the mailing list can be used as evidence in a hypothetical future
> > lawsuit (SCO showed the way). So I won't go into details.
> Heh. Did that point kill this discussion <wink> ?

No doubt.


P.S. CPL == *WIN*-*WIN*

(EE Times: SCO's Chief Taking Linux Beef to Japan)
So, this idiot at SCO (a 30 million dollar company) is going 
to make the CEO's of Sony Matsushita, NEC, Philips, Samsung, 
Sharp and Toshiba sign an NDA? These guys are going to say to 
Mc Bride, "So me the evidence or get the hell out of my 
office." I hope Sony buys SCO, then makes McBride a janitor.

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