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Boost :

From: David A. Ferguson (david.lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-22 09:48:38

From: "Sujay Ghosh" <SujayG_at_[hidden]>
> I need to know whether Boost libraries is o/s dependent . How do I acheive
> that , is there any preprocessor that does the neccessary, like

You can achieve it simply by using it. Configuration is transparent and

Boost appears to configure itself along three orthogonal lines:
    * by compiler
    * by std:: library
    * by platform

Although I only use a few pieces of it on the Win32 platform.

If you download the distribution and look in:


You will see the configuration occurring. Digging further down you
will see in:


that Boost appears to support these platforms:
    * AIX
    * Amiga
    * Apple
    * BEOS
    * CYGWIN
    * FreeBSD
    * HPUX
    * Linux
    * Macintosh
    * NetBSD
    * OpenBSD
    * SGI
    * Sun
    * Win32
    * generic POSIX
    * generic UNIX

However, Boost is made up individuals that all have "day-jobs". It might
be that not every facet works on every platform. It is hard to imagine
testing all the permutations.

David Ferguson

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at