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From: Philippe A. Bouchard (philippe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-29 13:10:28

Brock Peabody wrote:


> 1) what types of widgets there are
> 2) how they are positioned

This is a common property. The widgets can be grouped together and
dynamically positionned horizontally, vertically or both.

> 3) how they interact with each other (a check box may
> enable/disable
> other widgets)

This can be implemented with a signal / slot mechanism or the container can
be partly specialized for button groups (radio boxes, toggled buttons, ...).

> 4) how data is exchanged between the GUI and data structures

With some string, stringstream, filestream, etc. if I understand correctly.

> 5) what is valid input for a given widget. How is invalid input
> handled

I vote for regex++ on this.

> 6) what is valid input for a group of widgets (each widget may have
> valid data but as a group the data is valid)

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