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From: Philippe A. Bouchard (philippe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-03 21:33:37

brock wrote:


> What do you mean by "official macros"? The only macros in my code
> are in
> the implementation, you shouldn't see any in user code.

Sorry I guess I have misinterpreted BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP() in

> I'm pretty
> sure
> they use macros in similar situations in boost::tuple and
> boost::function.

Macros should be used only for compiler-specific definitions, compilation
options or to simplify complex recursive typelists for internal usages. My

> In the case of the GUI library though, I think you're correct in
> saying that overloading an operator would lead to a more elegant
> solution and I can get rid of all of the macros. I did really enjoy
> the boost preprocessor lib though.
> If you're talking about message notifications, I use something like:
> struct window {
> void set_on_change(boost::funtion0<void>);
> void set_on_character_typed(boost::function1<void,char>);
> };

Is it possible to associate widget instances with functions?


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