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From: Bohdan (gejrlaug_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-06 15:30:47

 Recently there was idea about "spirit-like" dialog sublanguage
implemented in c++. I still can't get why someone may need
it ?
 Spirit is forced to use such language to build QUOTED code, which
works only when parsing occur. In case of GUI lib
sutiation is different :
 We are not building code, but tree of gui objects placed in
2d (+z order). Sure boost::gui should deal with actions,
but generally they are much more compicated than spirit ones
and can't be easyly implemented by binders/bll/phoenix.
Besides, average gui control has a lot of properties which
may change in runtime. Would be convenient and
effective to fill/change such properties using spirit like
language ?

Why invent new shape for wheel ? :

void my_action( component & sender )
    show_dialog( "sender is " + sender.title() );

    window w;
    w.title("sample boost application");
    w.width( 400 );
    w.height( 200 )

    button b;
    b.title("click it!");
    b.on_click.connect( &my_action );
    w.insert( b );
    b.align( alignment::vcenter | alignment::hcenter );

    progress_bar pb;
    pb.align( alignment::bottom );
    pb.min( 0 );
    pb.max( 100 );
    pb.step( 5 );
    pb.smooth( true );
    w.insert( pb );; //or w.show_modal();



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