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From: Paul A. Bristow (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-07 15:53:30

I have built the date examples OK, but I am getting a compile error when trying
to build the time_math.cpp example with MSVC 7.1 aka .net 2003

I:/boost_1_30_0\boost\lexical_cast.hpp(147) : error C2679: binary '<<' : no
operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const
boost::token_iterator_generator<TokenizerFunc,Iterator,Type>::value_type' (or
there is no acceptable conversion)

        I:/boost_1_30_0\boost\lexical_cast.hpp(146) : while compiling
class-template member function 'bool
boost::detail::lexical_stream<Target,Source>::operator <<(const Source &)'
            Target=unsigned short,


this is in lexical_cast

            bool operator<<(const Source& input)
                return stream << input;

I am not clear if this is a problem in lexical_cast or in date_time. Should I
wait for the 1.30.1 release or try to load an update? Or is this a new problem?



PS There are also lots of confusing warnings, most, if not all, of which I
suspect could be casted away.
It would be really nice to get a clear compile, preferably in strict mode,
because this code is likely to be included by most user stuff, which will
repeatedly produce a host of junk warnings.

(And other MS specific unhelpful warnings which could be dealt with by

#ifdef _MSC_VER or BOOST_?
#pragma warning (disable : 4800) // inefficient bool conversion?

As a general point, is there any reason why 'known to be unhelpful' warnings
like this cannot be disabled in Boost code?

Paul A Bristow, Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AB UK
+44 1539 561830 Mobile +44 7714 33 02 04
Mobile mailto:pabristow_at_[hidden]

| -----Original Message-----
| From: boost-bounces_at_[hidden]
| [mailto:boost-bounces_at_[hidden]]On Behalf Of Jeff Garland
| Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 2:02 PM
| To: Boost mailing list
| Subject: Re: [boost] Re: time_duration bug in Boost 1.30.0

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