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From: Chris Trengove (trengove_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-28 17:40:41

"John Maddock" <boost.regex_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> which doesn't look good at all...
> Oh and the problem is present in Builder 6 as well.

As suggested by Marco Oman, the problem appears to be caused by overloading
the various operators for the enum type, which happens in match_flags.hpp
(lines 79 to 92). If these are removed for the Borland compiler, then the
conflict goes away, at the cost of a bunch of "Assigning int to ..."
warnings. Presumably, that is the main purpose of these overloads in any
case (to suppress such warnings), so it might be just as well to use a
pragma for this in the Borland case - assuming, of course, that the
generated code is the same.


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