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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-04 01:20:12

Robert Ramey wrote:

> Fellow boosters,
> I have just uploaded a draft version of the serialization library to the
> files section under the file name

Hi Robert,
I've just browsed though the docs, and I must say that I like this version
very much! Seems like most problems I had with the previous version are
solved, and some things are really nice: like choice between single
'serialization' and 'save'/'load', the way you handle name-value pairs and
so on. This is impressive!

But there are some glitches:

1. When I run "bjam" in "examples", I see:

don't know how to make <libs!serialization!example>demo_mi.cpp
don't know how to make

I guess you forgot some files..

2. Later, I get compile errors, with g++ 3.3 on Linux. Illustration of the

class C {
    explicit C(int) {}

int main()
    int i = 0;
    return 0;

Does not work with 3.3. Works with 3.2. Works with 3.3 if "explicit" is
removed. I'd say it's a gcc regression, so I went ahead and filed

In your library, the static_cast to boost::archive::class_id_type from
size_t does not work because of the above problem. One workaround would be
to not use "explicit" on specific gcc version.

- Volodya

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