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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-10 23:31:58

>Jeff Flinn wrote

><string.h> is included rather than <string>. Is this intended?

This has been included to permit usage of certain functions
such as strlen(char *t) which return the length of a normal
C string. <string> includes definiation of std::string which
is quite a different thing. Since the serialization library address
all C types as well as STL types, Its necessary to include
some C headers as well as the STL ones.

Of course, one or the other of these might be in error,
but that would be a different matter.

> Library - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Not bad for 7.1.

I'm making a couple of changes which I belive will address
these errors - watch this space for serialization draft # 12.

Robert Ramey

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