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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-05 12:45:50

Dave Abrahams wrote:

>You can deserialize non-collections without constructing them
>somehow?? That surprises me. Or do you mean something else?

well, isn't an array a kind of collection?

In the case of arrays, the elments are always constructed so no
consturction is required.

Some application is might consider the number of elements
in an STL collection a constant - similar to a const member
variable. For this application, my current implementation
which clears the collection and rebuilds if from the stream
might be considered unsatisfactory.

This brings up the question of const member variables - should
these be reconstructed from the serialization stream or should
they be truely considered const? - fixed only at time of object

Then what about volatile - I thought I knew what this means
but recent posts make me wonder.

The real point is that these are application/programmer
dependant concepts and agreement can never be achieved
so the framework has to be overridable in the right places.

I believe this library fullfills this requirement.

Robert Ramey

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