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From: Gennadiy Rozental (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-19 15:00:43

> I looked at the library and I think it should be accepted. I have one
> big concern, though, which IMHO must be addressed:

> * The default should be copying algorithms, not modifying algorithms!

> When I write to_upper( str ), a copy of str should be returned. This is
> important as most users IMHO expect this. Maybe some other syntax for
> the modifying version can be found. Some ideas:
> to_upper_inplace( str ); // easy
> or
> apply( to_upper, str );

May we define trim so that:

std::string res = trim( orig );

generate copying algorithm, while

trim( orig ) generate in place modifying one?


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