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From: Ross MacGregor (ross__macgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-21 15:50:33

Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
> "The String Algorithm Library provides a generic implementation of
> string-related algorithms which are missing in STL. It is an extension to
> the algorithms library of STL and it includes trimming, case conversion,
> predicates and find/replace functions.

On a different note, I suggest moving boost::string_algo to
boost::algorithm containing boost::algorithm::string.

I have this small mutating algorithm I am considering adding to boost
(see "Thoughts on partial_random_shuffle" thread) that has generated
some dicussion on creating a boost::algorithm library.

Beman Dawes wrote:
> There are a couple of other algorithm oriented libraries in the
> boost-sandbox CVS in directories libs/sequence_algo and
> libs/string_algo. There is also a libs/linear_sort.
> Perhaps we should have boost/algorithm and libs/algorithm directories.
> boost/algorithm would could eventually contain headers like
> partial_random_shuffle.hpp, linear_sort.hpp, and string.hpp.
> Likewise, libs/algorithm would have sub-directories
> partial_random_shuffle, linear_sort, and string. Each of these
> sub-directories would contain the usual doc, example, test directories.
> Or if the library is really small, just the files themselves.
> That way we have a coherent organization for smallish algorithm
> libraries even though development is a separate effort for each library.
> --Beman

The question is how do we proceed with this idea? Can we have a formal
review for boost::algorithm without any content or just make it an
suggestion for the current algorithms under review?

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