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From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (agurtovoy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-11-02 08:03:00

David Abrahams wrote:
> Misha Bergal <mbergal_at_[hidden]> writes:
> > 2. The python test fail if run as a part of status/jamfile - runs fine
> > if ran from libs/python/test (see log below)
> Baffling.

It's easy to reproduce - include Boost.Python into the status/jamfile, and
you'll get what we are getting. We would appreciate if somebody with
adequate amount of bjam knoweledge could look at this in more detail -
apparently we don't have enough qualification to understand what's
happenning there, and certainly not enough time to get ourselves to that

> > 3. The requirement of unique test names across all libraries is really
> > hurting (see
> I believe this is a problem in the table generation script, not in the
> build system, correct?

Not exactly. 'process_jam_log' is at fault, here. Beman's reply was that
it's a feature, but it just doesn't seem to be practical or reasonable to
maintain that requirement.


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