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From: Markus Werle (numerical.simulation_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-11-20 11:30:26

Beman Dawes wrote:

> That's a nice sentiment, but how do you propose Boost config (or any other
> configuration system) could reliably detect wchar_t status for the Intel
> compiler?
> It isn't good enough to pre-analyze the compiler via a trial compilation,
> because compiler options may have changed when the real compilation is
> run.

I agree in that the options may have changed.
Then it's the user's fault of course.
Maybe I misunderstood what David said.
I understood that he rejected the build system
to be able to handle _any_ compiler flag combination I choose,
but to require some flags to be set (like the one that sets
wchar_t on windows).

If I link to the wrong version which was compiled with different,
incompatible flags then it's my fault.
OTOH I wish boost to build automagically when I call
the "configure CXXFLAGS=<the same flags as in my project> && make"
even if this removes XXX (e.g. wchar_t) support from the lib.

If I decide not to use this or that feature of my
compiler by choosing some compiler flag, I do not want to
be forced to revise this decisison simply because boost
requires some flags.

So a pre-analysis of the compiler via trial compilation
with a user-provided set of compiler flags still makes pretty
much sense to me.

best regards,


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