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From: Russell Hind (rhind_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-11-25 04:50:18

Matthias Schabel wrote:
> Agreed - anyway, if we're the only two on this list who are interested
> in such
> a beast, which I'm starting to suspect from the general lack of other
> comment,
> it may not be worth expending a tremendous amount of energy in
> documentation...

I'm very interested in this subject, but don't have any experience in
implementing the topics being discussed here. My main use would
initally be simple:

To store units in a desired dimension (currently mm for distance etc)
but to then have a simple way to convert these to m/um etc for display.

Other types of conversions are for frequency (e.g. Terahertz to
wavenumber (cm-1) etc) and also for conversion from the delay of a
light-path in mm into time (pico-seconds) etc.

Unfortunately, I am basically waiting for a library to be proposed that
can do some/all of these things that I can start to use in our products.

But my lack of posting on the topics is due to both a lack of time to
help and a complete inexperience with the methods being discussed here,
but not through lack of wanting for a library of this sort (and I do
know of others who feel the same).



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