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From: Dan W. (danw_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-12-12 11:08:41

> No need to go as far as using assembly language. There are C functions
> that work just fine like nearbyint or rint (the second one is usually
> faster). And if you are really looking for assembler, the frndint
> instruction is available on x86 for exemple.

Not familiar with those, but I just came up with something that should

Instead of...

template<class S>
  struct Round
    static source_type nearbyint ( argument_type s )
      using std::floor ;
         return floor( s + static_cast<S>(0.5) ) ;
    typedef mpl::integral_c<std::float_round_style,std::round_to_nearest>
round_style ;

I'd try the following (portability issues notwithstanding)

  struct Round
    static source_type nearbyint ( argument_type s )
      using std::floor ;
         return depressed_avg( s, static_cast<S>(1.0) ) ;
    typedef mpl::integral_c<std::float_round_style,std::round_to_nearest>
round_style ;

  template <>
  inline float depressed_avg<float>( float f, float onef )
    float ret; //optimized away by inlining
      mov eax,f ; optimized away by compiler
      mov ebx,onef ; optimized away by compiler
      dec ebx ; THE KEY INSTRUCTION dec mantissa by an LSB
      add eax,eax ; double f first
      add eax,ebx ; add the "slightly depressed one"
      shrc eax ; shift right w/Carry, whatever the spelling was
      mov ret,eax ; optimized away by compiler
    return ret //optimized away by inlining
(sorry if my syntax offends, I'm rusty in assembler these days)

That should add up to just four integer instructions, with optims' ON.
Not totally sure that the sign bit would always survive; would need to
test it.


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