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From: Reece Dunn (msclrhd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-02 09:03:08

Dan W. wrote:
>Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
>>I recall that one could choose not to remove preconditions
>>from release builds.
>In public interfaces no, as the preconditions are in the extracted header,
>but the preconditions in private functions, and all non-public,
>implementation classes in the object code, preconditions are gone.
>Wouldn't make sense to keep them without source code to debug.

Surely, it would make sense to keep them in (disregarding the source code
problem for now). Consider:

int main()
   std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
   float f = 0.0f;
   std::cin >> f;
   std::cout << "square root = " << sqrt( f );
   return( 0 );

Granted, you could add an explicit check:

   std::cin >> f;
   if( f < 0.0f ) std::cout << "error: cannot perform square root on a
negative nuimber!";
   else // ...

But this defeats the purpose of having the preconditions in the first place?

Defining sqrt to be something like:

float sqrt( float val )
   precondition( val >= 0.0f, "cannot take square root of a negative number"
   return( _sqrt( val ));

where precondition will throw an exception, allows for:

int main()
      std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
      float f = 0.0f;
      std::cin >> f;
      std::cout << "square root = " << sqrt( f );
   catch( std::exception e )
      std::cout << "error: " << e.what() << '\n';
      retutn( -1 );
   return( 0 );

Yes, this version has a try-catch block around the code - but you should
have that anyway? It will also deal with other errors in a consistent way,
like if you allocated memory using new (which throws by default) and the
allocation failed.

I suppose you could write an assert that called a user-defined function upon
failure. I am thinking here from the PoV of a user running the program. You
would want to:
[1] Display a message that is understandable to the user
[2] Collect as much information as possible for the developers (__FILE__ and
__LINE__ macros?)
#define precondition( c, err ) if( !( c )) throw( invariant_exception( err,
__FILE__, __LINE__ ));
or something similar.

The implementation of invariant_exception (or the assert handler - although
this seems more like a C solution than a C++ one) could then perform a stack
dump, along with writing the exception string, file name and line number to
a file (a dump() function?). It could then give an error message something

   error: attempting to use a null pointer
   please report this to the developers (exception.txt)

Having the invariants exposed in the header would aid in self-documentation
(which I am in favor of), as well as allowing the compiler to make several
checks at compile time (like the sqrt( -1 ) example). On the other hand, it
will detract from simple one line function declerations.
   float sqrt( float );
   float sin( float );
   // ...


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