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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-13 06:10:53

> I've been striving to understand bjam v1/v2 with respect to Boost.Regex
> and Boost.Python. bjam is clearly the Way Ahead, so I want to grasp it
> fully.
> The goal is to have a Boost.Python module that uses Boost.Regex.
> Is there an example Jamfile (either version) that builds a Python
> extension that incorporates Boost.Regex, preferably outside of the Boost
> tree?

I don't know anything about Boost.Python, but linking to regex in a python
extension shouldn't be any different to linking to regex anywhere else.
>From a Jamfile perspective, just add either:




as a source dependency to the python-extension target.


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