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From: Daniel Krügler (dsp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-28 01:57:51

> As far as I know, Boost currently provides these definitions for all
> static member constants that you ask for. If you find one that is
> missing it should be reported to the author as a bug. If, on the other
> hand, you use the BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT macro in your own classes you
> are of course required to add the definition yourself.

Actually that was my basic assertion and I asked for it correctness.
Your first answer implied, that I have to provide that definition on my
own (at least for me), this one says otherwise.
If you are right, than boost is prepared for every compliant C++
compiler, but (I **assume** again) regrettably not for the currently
state-of-the-art Microsoft compiler VC7.1.

>> Second, your response did not take into account the problems with the
>> effects of the /Ze and /Za flags of the current VC7.1 compiler which I
>> also think is a very important issue.
> For that you'll have to ask people who know more about Windows
> compilers. Since I do not use Windows but just MacOS, Unix and Linux I
> cannot help with bugs or compiler options of that compiler.

It wasn't meant as an offense, please accept my apologies for my rough tone.



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