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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-29 15:06:17

Here is some fresh information:

* The reason the inspection program wasn't detecting more line ending
problems was a really stupid bug by me - the files were not being read in
binary mode. That made it look like the program was working, because it
worked on a corner case which happened to be the case tested during
development. Not only that, but html files weren't in the list of
extensions being checked. Anyhow, both problems have been fixed in CVS.

* Running the corrected inspect program shows 148 files with invalid line
endings, in both the current CVS RC_1_31_0 branch and the release

* Here are the RC2 counts by library:

build 16
date_time 2
dynamic_bitset 1
graph 4
inspect 1
integer 2
math 7
mpl 1
python 1
spirit 113

* The current CVS head has 190 invalid line endings, with all of the
increase coming in Spirit. That's worrisome; does it mean that some Spirit
files are missing from the RC_1_31_0 branch?

I'm not too worried about the scattered bad line ends in other libraries,
but I'm definitely worried about Spirit.

Before Joel or anyone makes wholesale fixes, I'd like to see one file fixed
and checked. I'm also concerned that because we aren't 100% sure exactly
what happened, it will bite us again.


Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at