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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-02-12 19:34:39

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 18:41:03 -0500, Jeremy Maitin-Shepard wrote

> I cannot be certain because it seems that a significant portion (the
> more generic portion) of the library is not documented, except for
> the doxygen-generated files,

Well, if you have questions just ask. There are many reasons why there isn't
more documenation of the generic part of the library -- the primary ones
being I don't believe I'm done modifying it and that it is an implementation
detail for 98% of the users.

> but my impression is that ptime
> represents a time in a specific time zone. Also, while the more

No, ptime is a non-adjusted time representation. So it can be used to
represent either UTC or a local time. However, if it is a local time the
user is required to keep that information externally. In the next release of
the library there will be a local_date_time and time_zone classes that
provide full support for local time representations.

> generic portions of the library seem to support various user-
> specified precisions, ptime
> (the only time-point representation documented) is limited to a specific
> implementation-defined precision.

Yes, it is currently limited to the 2 specified resolutions. However, I have
helped, and will help anyone that needs other resolutions. There is some
refactoring and that needs to be done before this is offered as a documented
feature of the library.


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