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From: Bronek Kozicki (brok_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-02-19 04:54:52

This message is actually result of subthread in "1.31 regressions" where
I started discussion about dropping support for older compilers. My idea
was to split boost to two branches : "current" and "old compilers"
(based on 1.31 release). New features could be developed in "current",
while "old compilers" should be still supported, and some new features
(and most importantly - fixes) could be backported to this branch. Here
is part of discussion:

(my voice)
> Thus hopefully they will not mind if we just ask them to use
> releases in 1.31.x branch. But it also means that we will need to
> support two branches for (at least) next two years. This might be
> cumbersome, but on the other hand it should simplify development in
> "current" branch.
(David Abrahams)
Yep. It'll be cumbersome, that's for sure. Would it be any better
than bringing in new "non-vc6" features with #ifdefs and new
non-vc6 libraries without apology?

(my voice)
> However, I do suggest that *if there is new branch* of boost,
> many regression tests targeted at old (nonconforming) compilers should
> be pulled out from this branch. Effectively, to make new features
> available for old compilers, these features have to be back-ported to
> the "old branch".
(Pavel Vozenilek)
I am afraid it woudn't work very well:

- There are many small fixed and updates and
   these could be easily be missed.
- The effort to keep multiple branches of Boost
   would take more than maintaining current state.

(my voice)
> I think nobody is going to prevent you from supporting any compiler you
> want :> However, I do suggest that *if there is new branch* of boost,
> many regression tests targeted at old (nonconforming) compilers should
> be pulled out from this branch.

(Peter Dimov)
That's what I disagree with. I want these compilers to participate in
the regression tests, so that I can see when I inadvertently introduce a

I can see there are strong points against this idea. However, I still
feel there is urgent need to simplify regression tests in order to make
future releases simpler. I'd also like to give choice to developers if
they want to support old compilers (like MSVC6, GCC 2.95 or BCC32) or
not. Here's another idea: two sets of regresion tests. Library
maintained by developer willing to support old compilers will be tested
against both, while other libraries will be tested against only one.
Users of old compilers will have a list of libraries which have been
tested against both sets (including results) - if they don't see on this
list library they need, they can still use older release of boost.


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