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From: Rozental, Gennadiy (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-02-20 14:45:53

> > (BTW it would really help for the whole
> > library review, if you could provide a little introduction what is a
> > "functional programming" in a first place; how it differ from other
> > programming styles and what is the place of your library in
> this - I mean
> > what purpose does it serve, what solution does it provide).
> I think this is way out of scope for the library. Functional
> programming has
> been around for ages, and it shouldn't be up to Brian to
> introduce and
> explain all of it in his introduction.

I merely need just few starting pointers and if possibly couple links. Also
explanation what does this library provide exactly would be helpful.

> If I need to include boost/fcpp/plus.hpp separately from
> boost/fcpp/minus.hpp,
> I'm going to very, very unhappy. I agree with breaking up
> large components
> intro multiple headers, but when we get 20 headers with 10
> lines of code in
> them each, all related, we've gone too far.
> Doug

Well. It's the matter of taste. I believe we both could be happy if
structure would include separate headers in boost/function directory and one
boost/functional.hpp that include them all.


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