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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-02-29 08:19:47

On 2/20/04 7:39 AM, "Christian Engström" <christian.engstrom_at_[hidden]>

> Is the following design valid, and if so, would it make a useful
> addition to the Boost library? I enclose a draft implementation, and
> look forward to any comments.

1. I think that someone else has already been working on something like
this. (It should be in our YahooGroups files area.)

2. I think that person has done all the containers. (I'm not sure.) More
importantly, the other submission is a _lot_ bigger, probably because s/he
has thought through more of the issues (or maybe it's over-engineered).

3. I don't remember how the other guy did his/her implementation, but I
have a hint anyway. If you're doing an indirect container that elements act
like a smart-pointer, that doesn't actually mean that you should actually
use a vector< smart_ptr<T> >. I think you should use something like a
vector<T *> and handle the smartness yourself to save memory.

4. I know you have an issue with someone else on this list over your
iterator/dereferencing policy, but I have an issue with it besides standard
compliance. It's not consistent. The "->" gives the final object directly,
but the "*" and "[]" only go one step and return a proxy. I don't like this
mix. You claim that the directness is not needed for the latter two
operators because proxy<T> takes assignments from T and converts to T. If
so, then what is the point of using the proxy directly? Can I ever have an
use for a "proxy<T>" object as itself? If not, then I don't need to be
forced to deal with it and you should change "*" and "[]" to also return T&
directly. (Your "proxy<T>" <-> T conversion policy could fail in some
template contexts.)

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT hotmail DOT com

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