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From: Joaquín Mª López Muñoz (joaquin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-04 05:54:40

Some days ago I posted the following prompting
for feedback on the post-review version of
Boost.MultiIndex (fka Boost.IndexedSet). Just in case
the post did go unnoticed, here it goes again. If nobody says
anything this will go to the CVS next Friday, but I'd
rather get some opinions first (and please please some
tests on different compilers). Thank you!

I'm glad to announce that the post-review version of
The Boost Multi-index Containers Library or
Boos.MultiIndex (formerly known as Boost.IndexedSet)
is available at:

The most noticeable change is the new name for the library,
which I hope will please most and bug none. Also,
a new powerful feature called composite_key has been
added. The complete list of changes after requests from
the reviewers can be consulted at:

I'd be grateful if the people interested could do the following:

1. make sure that all requests have been met. Those that haven't
are justified at the post-review notes.
2. try to compile the library with different compilers. I don't
think I've broken anything, but one never knows. This version
has been tested with MSVC 6.5, GCC 3.3.1 and ICC 7.1 for
Windows. Of special interest are MSVC 7.1, ICC 8.0,
GCC 4.0 and CW 9.2.

If no one raises any objection, in a week's time I'll commit the
library to the main CVS, hopefully in time for Boost 1.32.

Thanks everybody,

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

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