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From: Roman Yakovenko (roman.yakovenko_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-08 23:11:57

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre DOUCY [mailto:pdoucyml_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 1:47 AM
> To: Boost General General
> Subject: [boost] Writing fully custom containers for the bgl
> I have written a custom container for the bgl's adjacency_list which
> was based on a subclass of a stl container (namely, std:list).
> Everything seemed to work just fine (if not by itself) as I followed
> the bgl book indications.
> Now, I'm working on a non stl-based container (a wrapper
> around the bdb
> API), and facing a lot of compile-time problems. I know my
> bdb wrapper
> is not fully stl-compliant.
> So my question is : if I make this wrapper fully standard-compliant
> (for instance by using boost::iterator and by implementing everything
> the stl tells me to implement in a AssociativeContainer or a
> MultipleAssociativeContainer), will the bgl play nicely with
> it (i.e.
> as if it was a std::map, for instance) ?

I think even if you do this you will not get standard-compliant AssociativeContainer
The reason is simple: bdb cursor does not have all functionality of std iterator.

> If not, what should I do to be able to use my containers with
> the bgl.
> I haven't found any examples out there, and wondered if anyone tried
> (and succeded) in this task.
> My second question is : how and when does the adjacency_list
> instantiates its containers, and is there any way to mess with it, by
> passing special arguments to the containers when instatiating
> my graph
> ? Reading the code and following the process in a debugger doesn't
> really make my ideas clearer.
> Thanks in advance for any help and/or ideas
> Pierre
> --
> Written slowly for people who can't read fast.
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